About Us
" A RISING LEADER IN THE STEEL INDUSTRY " As a main player in the Gulf region for steel production and manufacturing. AVAGANZ Steel produces high-quali ty metals of various sizes of any quality required Arnbian Gulf Steel has played a vital role in the construction and industrialization of some of the world"s fastest growing Arabian Gulf Iron and Steel Companies arc one of the world"s largest fully integrated steel producers in the world. "SAU DI ARABIA ON E OF TH E WORLDS MAJOR STEEL PRODUCING COU NTRIES IN TH E WORLD
With uur ~\rung partnership wi1hin the .-\rbian Gulf with the Statl·> Co Owned Companies HA DEED. we ha1 e, atiuus strung allia1K·c, 1, ith the main Steel m,rnufodun:s within the Arabian (iulr rhl' alloH' alliances gives AVA GA ;'l;Z St,:cl lnk•nwlionally an uni111a)linablcproduc1io11 L'apaL·it y lohc ahk tu .:nnlinn ;1 lmo.,( any worlJ11 i<lc quantity po.,.,ihlc lo any world dc,linall<lll 11or!dwidc (h1rcwcllcnt lugi.,1i1:s wi1hin the J\r;1hi-u1 {lulf,md vessel facili ties make, ii u, pos,ihk lo scrw Ollf t:licnh with the most ..:flki.:111 and excellent ,crvicc and lugi,1i,s wurkhl i1k tu :my World Sale Prn1 In additional with the pn:scm:c of our Esccllcnl local sales learns all u1crlhcwurldwc;m:ablc10 mun: quickly ;mJ dfo.:iently on any Ill"\\ aspirant buyer's cm1uiry We ha,c local presence outside the Kingdom in South Korea - Vietnam - Singapore - Indonesia - Brunei - The Netherlands - t..:nitcd Kingdom - Switzerland - !taly - Spain-Vcnezucla- BrazilChilc and Colombi.i and al the end ofthis year we will have also a local prescnL·cinJapanPakistan-ln<li,1 - \folaysia andlurk..::y